
The Foundation bodies shall comprise:

The board of directors

  •  Marco Montorsi (President)
  •  Delio Napoleone
  •  Giorgio Parisi
  •  Annalisa Santucci
  •  Member of Board of Directors awaiting governmental appointment

General Director

  • Gianluca Polifrone (mandate conferred by the Board of Directors upon proposal of the Ministry of Health in consultation with the Ministry of University and Research, Ministry of Economy and Finance, and Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy)

Chief scientific officer

  • Rino Rappuoli (appointed by the Board of Directors on the motion of the Ministry of Health)

The scientific technical committee

  • Franco Locatelli (appointed by the Ministry of Health);
  • Emmanuelle Charpentier (appointed by the Ministry of Health);
  • Henda Triki (appointed by the Ministry of Health);
  • Michel Pletschette (appointed by the Ministry of Health);
  • Barney Graham (appointed by the Ministry of Universities and Research);
  • Alimuddin Zumla (appointed by the Ministry of Universities and Research);
  • Gabriella Scarlatti (appointed by the Ministry of Universities and Research);
  • Luisa Bracci (appointed by the Ministry of Universities and Research on the motion of the University of Siena);
  • Giorgio Palù (appointed by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy);
  • Claudio Bandi (appointed by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy)

For the specific functions of the Pandemic Hub, the Scientific Technical Committee is integrated by the following members

  • General Director of Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Health;
  • General Director for health prevention, Ministry of Health;
  • General Director of Research, Ministry of University and Research;
  • General Director of the Italian Drug Agency – AIFA;
  • President of the Italian “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” – ISS

The board of auditors

  • Fabrizio Valenza (President, appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance)
  •  Paolo Prisciandaro (appointed by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy)
  • Francesco Venanzoni (appointed by the Ministry of Health and by the Ministry of Universities and Research)