“I have known and worked with Anthony Fauci for years, therefore I’m glad to carry on with our scientific partnership within the framework of a key strategic project such as the Biotecnopolo Foundation. Science and its progress are nourished by knowledge and expertise exchange. The Biotecnopolo Foundation and the Pandemic Hub will join forces with the main political and research institutions such as the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), the American National Institute of Health and CEPI, the global coalition for pandemic preparedness. The Biotecnopolo is one of the few European centers of its kind, it’s a national model for vaccine and therapeutics research connected to an international network for countering pandemic risks and promoting and coordinating study and research activities, as well as scientific and technological development and technology transfer. We have many important challenges ahead of us, but we will work towards joining forces to overcome them together by building upon the science capital that is tied by a long tradition to our territory, but also by encouraging collaborations and exchanges on an international level”, said Professor Rino Rappuoli, scientific direction of the Biotecnopolo di Siena Foundation.
Statement by Rino Rappuoli, scientific director of the Biotecnopolo di Siena Foundation